








Send WhatsApp broadcasts with Cue
Send WhatsApp broadcasts with Cue

WhatsApp broadcast best practices: 10 Tips for maximum impact

WhatsApp broadcast best practices: 10 Tips for maximum impact

18 Mar 2024


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    Businesses using WhatsApp broadcasts see a 5x increase in response rates and a minimum response rate of 35%. On average, WhatsApp marketing messages see an open rate of 98% compared to traditional channels like SMS (90%) and emails (20%).

    If you're looking to boost sales, keep customers coming back for more, and build rock-solid brand loyalty, then WhatsApp broadcasts are the answer.

    In this blog, we'll dive deep into the world of WhatsApp automation, WhatsApp marketing, and WhatsApp broadcasts. We'll show you how to use WhatsApp broadcasts to increase your customer engagement and turn your conversations into sales.

    What are WhatsApp broadcast messages?

    Every business has a group of loyal customers, the people who keep coming back and supporting you. Instead of adding them all to a group chat and sending messages, WhatsApp broadcasts let you send personalised messages directly to them all at once. It's like having a direct line to chat with your most engaged customers, without the group chat chaos. 

    WhatsApp broadcast messages can be sent using the WhatsApp Business mobile app and the WhatsApp Business API. To learn more about WhatsApp broadcast messages, how to send them, and how to build and grow a broadcast list, read our guide on how to reach more people with WhatsApp broadcast messages

    10 best practices for WhatsApp broadcast messages

    1. Permission is key (and Meta agrees)

    This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it's important: never add someone to your broadcast list without their explicit permission. Not only is it the right thing to do, but Meta takes these things seriously. They require businesses to get an opt-in from customers before sending marketing messages, and they have clear guidelines for how you do it. 

    Meta has 3 requirements before you can send WhatsApp marketing messages:

    1. Brands need to make it obvious to customers that signing up to receive messages via WhatsApp means they give their consent.

    2. Brands need to clearly state the business name that a person is opting in to receive messages from.

    3. Businesses must comply with applicable law.

    There are plenty of ways to get opt-in. You can run social media campaigns, use forms on your website, or even try QR codes. The key is to make it easy for customers if they're interested.

    2. Create engaging content

    The fact of the matter is that your WhatsApp message is competing with a bunch of other content, from SMS to emails to friends texting your customers. It’s easy for your message to get pushed to the bottom of the line, so make it count. 

    Create visually appealing messages and use easy-to-scan language that gets the point across quick and is valuable for customers. Try to use engaging visuals or emojis to grab customers' attention and for them to take action.

    Keep in mind that customers will only see the first line of your broadcast message as a preview on their mobile phone.

    🏪 Here's how a retail business can put this into action:

    See the difference? The second message is clear and concise, and it uses emojis to add personality. It also highlights the promotion earlier and includes a more convenient call to action.

    3. Segment your audience

    Not all customers are the same. They have different interests, demographics, and goals. That's why segmenting your audience is important for creating engaging and relevant WhatsApp broadcast messages

    Think of it like this: instead of shouting the same message to everyone in a crowded classroom, you're speaking to specific groups. 

    📚Here's how an education provider can use segmentation:

    By segmenting your audience and tailoring your messages to their specific interests and needs, you'll increase engagement and attract the right customers.

    4. Frequency is your friend (But not your BFF)

    Nobody likes spam. 36% of all world spam content is from advertising; don’t be a part of that statistic. Don't bombard your audience with daily messages. Aim for a consistent, strategic schedule based on your audience and content type.

    5. Timing is everything

    It should be obvious to most that sending a WhatsApp broadcast message at 3 am won't go down well with customers.

    The key is to consider when your target audience is most likely to be active on WhatsApp without invading their privacy. Ideally, send valuable messages during business hours and avoid spamming.

    6. Use WhatsApp buttons

    Don't leave your audience hanging. Tell them what you want them to do after reading your message. It could be visiting your website, checking out a new product, or giving you a call. 

    WhatsApp has three types of buttons that you can use in your messages; these include quick reply buttons, link buttons and call buttons. Learn more about WhatsApp buttons by reading our blog.

    7. Keep it short and sweet 

    The average human has an attention span of 8.25 seconds. Attention spans are shorter than ever. Get to the point quickly and efficiently. Use clear messages that deliver value without dragging on.

    8. Leverage interactive features

    Make messages more engaging with polls, quizzes, or even GIFs (used sparingly, of course). These interactive elements can increase engagement and make your messages more memorable.

    9. Respond quickly

    If your messages ask questions, be prepared to answer them quickly. This shows you're invested in your customers and builds trust and loyalty.

    10. Track and analyse

    Don't just send messages blindly. Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and replies. Use this data to refine your strategy and continuously improve your broadcasts.

    Quick recap

    How to send a WhatsApp broadcast with Cue

    Our CPO made a YouTube video showing you how to create and send a WhatsApp broadcast with Cue:

    Prefer written instructions instead? No problem:

    1. Sign in to

    2. Click on the 'Broadcasts' icon on the left-hand side

    3. Click on 'Create a broadcast'

    4. Upload your list of recipients

    5. Specify the template name

    6. Select any parameters (Name, date, company name)

    7. Add any media to be used

    8. Send or schedule the broadcast

    WhatsApp marketing vs SMS marketing

    Choosing the right communication channel is important, and the two most popular marketing channels are WhatsApp marketing and SMS marketing. Let’s compare the two and figure out what’s best for your business.

    Open rates: Both WhatsApp and SMS have an average open rate of 98%. Though both have a high open rate, customers are more likely to open your messages on WhatsApp because they spend most of their time on the app.

    Multimedia capabilities: Unlike SMS, which is limited to text, WhatsApp allows you to send multimedia content like images, videos, and documents. This allows you to create visually appealing and engaging marketing content.

    Real-time conversations and read receipts: WhatsApp provides read receipts, which let you know when your messages have been viewed. WhatsApp also supports real-time conversations, helping to improve customer support and engagement.

    While both channels are useful, here's why WhatsApp is the first choice for many businesses:

    Unmatched engagement: The high open rates and interactive nature of WhatsApp foster deeper customer engagement, allowing you to build stronger relationships and brand loyalty.

    Versatility: From sharing product updates to offering personalised promotions and providing real-time customer support, WhatsApp's multimedia capabilities and two-way communication allow you to reach a wider audience.

    Cost-efficiency: Though costs vary, reaching a large audience on WhatsApp can be cost-effective, especially compared to traditional SMS marketing, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

    98 reasons to get started with WhatsApp broadcasts

    With a near-perfect 98% open rate for WhatsApp marketing, your messages are practically guaranteed to be seen. WhatsApp marketing and broadcasts offer a powerful and cost-effective way to connect with your customers, and ultimately drive sales and brand loyalty.  Get started with a free Cue demo today!

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