








How to market your whatsap business account
How to market your whatsap business account

10 Ways to promote your WhatsApp Business account

10 Ways to promote your WhatsApp Business account

25 Oct 2023


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    Brights Hardware saw a 244% increase in sales through WhatsApp. While Richfield saw a 65% increase in call-to-action conversion rates and a 7x increase in response rates. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, WhatsApp is a direct line to where your customers are. 

    Having a WhatsApp Business account is just the beginning. To fully leverage its potential, you need to market it effectively. In this blog, we'll explore the best practices for marketing your WhatsApp Business account successfully.

    10 Ways to market your WhatsApp Business account

    You can connect with customers through WhatsApp Business, regardless of your industry. Here are ten ways you can market your WhatsApp Business account.

    1) Website widget 

    One effective way to promote your WhatsApp Business account is to place a WhatsApp chat widget on your website. This makes it easy for visitors to start a conversation with your business. Make sure that the widget is visible. A good location to place it is in the bottom right corner of the screen. Consider using a call-to-action (CTA) like "Chat with Us on WhatsApp" to prompt engagement.

    2) QR codes

    If you have physical stores, use in-store promotions to inform customers about your WhatsApp Business account. Place QR codes at checkout counters or store entrances that, when scanned, take customers directly to your WhatsApp Business chat. QR codes can be scanned with the cameras on both iOS and Android devices. Aside from placing QR codes at checkout counters, retail stores can promote WhatsApp Business by placing QR codes on product tags. When scanned, these codes connect shoppers to the store's WhatsApp for quick product queries or assistance. 

    Businesses in the automotive industry could also benefit from in-store promotions. Dealerships can strategically place QR codes throughout their showroom, next to every vehicle on display. When customers scan these QR codes, they're instantly connected to the dealership's WhatsApp Business account. This integration allows customers to inquire about specific car models, request test drives, or get detailed information about vehicle specifications, all through a real-time WhatsApp chat.

    3) Social media

    A simple solution to marketing your WhatsApp business account is to include your WhatsApp Business number and a WhatsApp logo in your social media profiles and content. This not only raises awareness but also provides an easy way for customers to reach out, and it informs them that you have this option available to them. 

    Education providers can include WhatsApp contact information in their Facebook or Instagram profile buttons, put a QR code or include a “” link in their posts, and buy Facebook ads that connect users straight to WhatsApp.

    4) Promotional campaigns

    Run targeted marketing campaigns that highlight the benefits of using WhatsApp Business for customer service. This could include social media images, articles, or video content. Showcase the convenience and speed of resolving queries or providing assistance through WhatsApp Business.

    For insurance providers, launch a promotional campaign highlighting the convenience of using WhatsApp Business for policy renewals. 

    5) Send a WhatsApp broadcast

    Don't just wait for customers to reach out; proactively engage with them. Send personalised greetings, product recommendations, or order updates to demonstrate the value of WhatsApp Business as a real-time communication tool. 

    Retail businesses can use WhatsApp Business to engage customers post-purchase. Encourage repeat business by sending a follow-up message with product recommendations based on their recent purchases. 

    In the case of car dealerships, once connected through WhatsApp, dealerships can start conversations with customers by sending out a broadcast message announcing the new arrivals of newer car models and sales and inviting customers to showcase events. In addition, broadcasts allow you to share high-quality images and videos of the cars, providing a virtual tour. A personalised approach not only improves the customer experience but also increases the likelihood of converting showroom visits into sales

    6) Create educational content

    Create content to educate your customers about the advantages of using WhatsApp Business. These could include receiving order confirmations, tracking deliveries, or getting quick answers to questions. This helps in reassuring customers that you will maintain efficient and consistent customer support, despite switching to WhatsApp as your communication channel.

    In the logistics industry, you can create infographics that detail the user journey from the first point of contact to receiving their parcel. This proactive approach puts customers’ minds at ease and gives them a visual example of how to interact with you on WhatsApp.

    7) Feedback and incentives

    Encourage customers to share their feedback via WhatsApp Business, despite the industry you operate in. Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive content to those who engage with your business on WhatsApp. An insurance company, for example, can use WhatsApp Business to gather customer feedback after a claim is processed and offer incentives such as cashback or gift cards to customers who share their experiences and suggestions.

    8) Loyalty programs

    One powerful way to market your WhatsApp Business account while building customer loyalty is through loyalty programs. Retail stores can offer exclusive incentives like discounts, early access to sales, or special promotions that are accessible only to WhatsApp subscribers. This encourages people to engage with you on WhatsApp and makes them feel valued.

    9) Provide engaging content

    You can use WhatsApp Business to share exclusive content, like sneak peeks of new products, course updates, admission announcements, or early access to promotions. Make customers feel like they're part of an exclusive club. In the education sector, for example, education providers can share exclusive tips and practice materials with their WhatsApp subscribers. This could range from admission date announcements to enrollment information and other relevant material. 

    10) Send follow-up messages

    Once all is said and done, you can use WhatsApp to follow up with your customers, ensure they’re happy with your services and products, and keep them updated. Logistics companies can use this to send out order updates, inform the customer that their order will be delivered on a specific date, and prompt them to reply on WhatsApp if they have any queries. Car dealerships can use this to inform and remind customers when their car is due for a service in the coming months.

    Get started with WhatsApp Business

    Businesses can use WhatsApp Business to connect with customers and improve their experience. By using these methods, you can effectively market your WhatsApp Business account and increase user adoption. Need help getting started with WhatsApp? Contact Cue and get started with WhatsApp Business today!

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