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How to provide great customer service with WhatsApp in 2024

How to provide great customer service with WhatsApp in 2024

10 Jan 2024


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    Great customer service never goes out of season. As we enter 2024, delivering exceptional experiences remains crucial for business success, with 87% of customers saying they would take action after a poor experience.

    With shifting consumer expectations, how can your company continue attracting and retaining happy customers in the new year? This blog reveals 5 ways to keep customers coming back in 2024 using WhatsApp Business.

    Why customer service matters in 2024

    The holiday season comes with a boost in customer queries. Businesses need to prepare for the influx in the new year too. Here are 5 reasons why customer service matters:

    Improved customer loyalty: Providing great customer service throughout the year increases customer loyalty. Research shows that loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their initial purchase.

    Higher conversions: Good experiences make customers more likely to buy with 49% of customers saying they are more likely to make repeat purchases after a good experience. Companies that prioritise customer experience see a revenue increase of 4-8% above the market average.

    More satisfied customers: Quality service ensures happier customers. According to reports, satisfied customers are likely to share their positive experiences with at least 11 people, and 87% of customers share positive experiences, improving your brand's reputation and visibility

    Reduced churn rate: Companies that don't invest in customer service have a higher customer acquisition cost (CAC). Investing in customer service can decrease your churn rate. A decreasing churn rate reduces the amount you need to spend on acquiring new customers and decreases the overall CAC.

    Increased trust: 96% of customers say excellent customer service builds trust in a brand.

    5 Customer service tips for 2024

    Throughout the year, customer service shapes consumer choices. Over 65% of customers have abandoned a brand because of a single poor customer service experience. Here are 5 customer service tips to help your business.

    1. Operating hours and greetings with auto-replies

    By using WhatsApp auto-replies, your business can make it clear to customers what your operating hours are and whether or not you’re available. As a retailer, you can set up an auto-reply with links to your FAQ and order tracking pages or a short message to let customers know that you’ll attend to their query ASAP.

    2. Get chatbots to answer common customer questions

    Build an FAQ chatbot on WhatsApp to instantly answer and resolve common questions throughout the year. Insurance companies can create a chatbot with common FAQs relating to claims and quotes.

    3. Handle multiple customers at once

    Businesses can add multiple team members to their WhatsApp so customers can be helped quickly. By adding multiple users to WhatsApp, ISPs can handle a large number of queries with speed. 

    4. Send occasional broadcasts  

    Send occasional promotion alerts, shipping updates, safety notices and more with WhatsApp broadcast messages. Education providers can send broadcast messages to returning and prospective students about opening dates and orientation dates.

    5. Get personal with WhatsApp templates 

    WhatsApp templates can be used to maintain consistency and get personal by using customers’ names when speaking with them. For automotive businesses, this can mean including the customer's names in all messages, from managing service appointments to offering seasonal promotions or providing important updates on vehicle availability. 

    Cue customer service

    Forward-thinking companies recognise that customer experience is not a single department but the lifeline of the business in 2024 and beyond. By using WhatsApp Business, brands can meet customers where they are throughout the year. Get started with WhatsApp Business and Cue today!

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