








WhatsApp Buttons
WhatsApp Buttons

A guide to WhatsApp buttons: Everything you need to know

A guide to WhatsApp buttons: Everything you need to know

24 Nov 2023


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    WhatsApp for Business solution by Cue

    Sending messages to customers with WhatsApp buttons can drive engagement, simplify interactions, and improve the overall customer experience. Using WhatsApp Business, brands can send pre-approved templates with a variety of message types and buttons. In this blog, we cover WhatsApp buttons and how they can be used to service your customers.

    WhatsApp template messages: A quick recap

    WhatsApp templates are pre-approved messages that businesses can use to engage with their customers. These messages can include:

    • Text

    • Media

    • Personalised variables (Eg name, surname)

    • Buttons. 

    For a more detailed explanation of WhatsApp message templates, how they work and how to set them up, check out our WhatsApp templates blog. (link when we publish the blog)

    Understanding WhatsApp buttons

    WhatsApp message buttons appear at the bottom of your messages, allowing customers to take action fast and easily.

    Types of WhatsApp buttons

    There are three types of WhatsApp messsage buttons; 

    • Quick reply buttons

    • Link buttons

    • Call buttons

     Let's explore how WhatsApp buttons work and how businesses can get the most out of them.

    Quick reply buttons

    These buttons allow customers to give responses with a single tap, removing the need for manual typing. When a customer selects a quick reply button, their response is sent, appearing as if the user had typed it themselves.

    In an interactive message template, businesses can include up to three quick reply buttons, each with a maximum of 20 characters. 

    Link and call (CTA buttons)

    The Call to Action (CTA) buttons on WhatsApp Business allow customers to take immediate action with a simple tap. You can add up to two buttons: link buttons and call buttons

    A CTA button can have a maximum of 20 characters, and each template can include one phone number and one website link.

    For example, a car dealership looking to streamline its customer engagement can create an interactive message with CTA buttons like "Call Us" and "Visit Our Website." When customers view a specific vehicle on WhatsApp, they can instantly start a phone call to the dealership for inquiries by tapping the "Call Us" button or navigating to the website for more details.

    How your business can use WhatsApp buttons

    WhatsApp buttons work for any business in any industry. Here are some real-world examples of how businesses in different industries can leverage WhatsApp buttons:

    WhatsApp buttons for retailers

    With quick replies, customers can easily choose product categories, inquire about availability, or get product recommendations. A customer can tap a pre-defined "Show me shoes" button, and the WhatsApp chatbot displays a variety of different shoes on offer.

    WhatsApp buttons for logistics

    Logistic companies can simplify their tracking process using CTA buttons. Customers receive a message about their shipment, including a "Track Your Package" CTA button. When clicked, the customer receives a delivery update.

    WhatsApp buttons for Internet Service Providers

    ISPs can use quick reply buttons to assist customers in troubleshooting their connectivity issues. A customer experiencing slow speeds can interact with WhatsApp chatbots, and receive a message offering options like "restart your router" or "check your cables." This speeds up problem-solving by giving customers the option to service themselves.

    WhatsApp buttons for education providers

    For educational institutions, quick reply buttons can help students find information about admissions, course offerings, and fees. For example, a prospective student can select "Tell me about MBA programs" to receive a summary of available MBA courses.

    WhatsApp buttons for insurance

    Insurance companies can offer a range of services through WhatsApp buttons. Quick reply buttons allow clients to report incidents, request policy information, or inquire about premium payments. A customer can request an instant quote by tapping on the “get a quote” button.

    Get started with WhatsApp buttons

    WhatsApp buttons offer a convenient way to engage and communicate with customers and can help you provide quick and efficient support. To see how they work in action and explore their full potential, request a demo with Cue today. 

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