








Cue web chat
Cue web chat

Turn website visitors into customers with Cue web chat

Turn website visitors into customers with Cue web chat

5 Apr 2024


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    WhatsApp for Business solution by Cue

    Did you know that the automotive industry has an 85% cart abandonment rate? The ISP industry isn't far behind at 90%. The longer customers take to make a decision, the higher the chance they'll abandon their cart altogether.

    By offering helpful and friendly chat support right on your website, you can turn website visitors into paying customers. Engaging prompts and calls to action can guide them through the decision-making process. The best part? You can close the deal and provide solutions to problems via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or your website. 

    In this blog, we'll explore what web chat is, how it works, and the key benefits it offers across different industries. 

    What are channels, and why do they matter?

    Channels are the different platforms and messaging apps that customers use to connect with your business. The core channels at Cue include:

    • WhatsApp Business 

    • Facebook Messenger

    • Web chat

    Having a presence on multiple channels allows customers to get assistance on their preferred platform. Some customers prefer the convenience of WhatsApp, others prefer Facebook, and many start their journey from your website. 

    In fact, users visit a website up to 5 times before making a purchase. But a good-looking website alone isn't enough to turn visitors into customers. Optimising your website for conversions isn’t just about how it looks; it's also about engaging customers and addressing their concerns the moment they come up. 

    This is where web chat comes in—guiding your customers through the buying process and eliminating any roadblocks that might prevent them from converting.

    What is web chat?

    Web chat connects your website visitors with your sales team, allowing you to capture leads and answer questions faster and more accurately. 

    You can easily engage customers with web chat through a web widget. This allows customers to start a chat with your team directly on your website. You can also use a web widget to let customers continue a web chat conversation on their phones through WhatsApp or Messenger.

    With web chat, you can:

    • Instantly respond to customer questions and provide support and clarity. 

    • Increase sales and convert leads in real-time.

    • Use chatbots to automatically answer common queries or route customers to live chat.

    • Allow visitors to easily transition the conversation from your website to WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

    How to use web chat in different industries

    Cue web chat is incredibly versatile and works for all kinds of businesses. Here's a deeper look at how different businesses in different industries can leverage web chat:


    For car dealerships, your website is a virtual showroom, and web chat is the handy floor sales assistant, ready to point customers in the right direction. Customers can connect with a sales representative in real-time when they’re browsing car listings. 

    This allows customers to ask specific questions about a car's features, request pictures of the interior, or even get a product brochure sent directly to their phone. Web chat bridges the gap between the virtual showroom experience and personalised customer service, driving qualified leads and boosting sales.

    Car dealerships can use web chat to:

    • Instantly answer questions about vehicle specs, features, service plans, and pricing via chatbots or live chat.

    • Allow customers to easily share details about the type of cars they’re looking for, from colour, to mileage and fuel efficiency.

    • Qualify leads and set sales appointments.

    Web chat for car dealerships


    Purchasing insurance can be confusing for first-time clients. Web chat allows insurance companies to explain complex topics and provide advice through real-time conversations.

    Insurance agents can use web chat to: 

    • Clarify policy terms, coverage details, and pricing.

    • Collect customer data to generate accurate quotes. 

    • Cross-sell additional policies and upsell higher coverage.

    • Collect feedback.


    When a new car owner is on your website comparing insurance policies, but time is ticking – they have an appointment to get to. With web chat, they can quickly start a conversation with a chatbot or live agent to get personalised insurance quotes. 

    The convenience of web chat lies in its smooth transition to WhatsApp. Once they have a few initial questions answered and have identified a potential policy, they can easily choose to continue the conversation on WhatsApp. This allows them to finalise their insurance purchase through a convenient mobile platform all while on the go, without missing their appointment.

    Web chat for insurance businesses


    For e-commerce and retail brands, web chat provides a connection between browsing an online store and getting assistance from an in-person sales rep.

    Retail businesses can use web chat to:

    • Provide personalised product recommendations.

    • Offer exclusive discounts and limited-time promotions.

    • Send product leaflets and brochures.

    • Decrease shopping cart abandonment by offering real-time support.


    If a shopper on your tech website is struggling to choose between two items, live chat agents can ask about their taste, colour preferences, memory options, etc. This can give an agent the right information to make a personalised recommendation based on the customer's preferences.

    Cue web chat for retail businesses

    Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

    Signing up for new internet and mobile services is often a headache. Telecom companies can use web chat to easily guide customers through comparisons and the signup process.

    Telecom companies can use web chat to:

    • Compare different packages. 

    • Answer questions on pricing, usage, fees, and policies.

    • Troubleshoot technical issues for existing customers.

    • Let customers place orders for new services and equipment.


    A potential customer just moved into a new apartment in a new location and needs to know whether there’s internet coverage where they stay. Chatbots and live chat can work hand-in-hand and qualify the customer before Signing them up.


    Prospective students and parents rely heavily on university and college websites to research programmes and courses. Web chat allows educational institutions to personally answer each of these questions and guide prospective students through the inquiry and application process.

    Educational institutions can use web chat to:

    • Answer questions about degrees, coursework, and graduation requirements 

    • Discuss costs, financial aid opportunities, and scholarship details.

    • Walk prospective students through the application process.

    • Allow current students to easily access resources and support.


    If a prospective student is browsing an educational institution's website, they can use web chat to enquire about their application status and get the details within the chat.

    Web chat use case for education providers

    Hospitality & serviced accommodation

    Guests use the information they find online to determine whether or not to book a hotel or accommodation. 39% of guests check out a company’s website before choosing whether or not to book a stay. 

    Web chat offers a convenient way for hospitality businesses to connect with potential guests, personalise their booking experience and convert them into paying customers.

    Hospitality businesses can use web chat to:

    • Answer questions about room availability, rates, and amenities in real-time.

    • Provide personalised recommendations and suggestions based on guest preferences.

    • Offer virtual tours and showcase the property.

    • Facilitate secure online bookings and streamline the reservation process.

    • Assist guests with pre-arrival questions and address any last-minute concerns.

    • Offer post-stay support and gather valuable feedback.


    When a potential guest is browsing a hotel website and has some questions about the amenities or cancellation policy, they can engage with either a chatbot or a live agent using web chat.

    Online web chat for serviced accommodation

    No matter what industry you're in, web chat allows you to have personal, value-adding conversations that drive customers down the sales funnel. 

    With a blend of live chat and chatbots, you can instantly resolve questions, overcome objections, and boost conversions. Let's explore the specific benefits web chat offers for both your teams and your customers.

    Web chat benefits for teams and customers

    Real-time customer conversations with live chat

    Live chat allows your team to have real-time conversations with website visitors and provide instant support, qualify them and convert them into customers. This real-time interaction also increases customer loyalty by up to 24%

    Live chat benefits for teams

    • Quickly respond to queries and reassure customers in real-time.

    • Easily transfer chats between agents for smooth resolutions.

    • Access previous conversations and data to provide personalised service.

    Live chat benefits for customers

    • Fast answers to questions instead of waiting on hold

    • Contextual customer support through screenshots, photos or videos.

    • Easily moveable conversations across channels, from web to WhatsApp or Facebook.

    • More attentive one-on-one assistance by speaking to a human agent.

    Automated assistance with chatbots

    62% of customers prefer engaging with chatbots as opposed to waiting for and dealing with live agents. Chatbots are available 24/7 and allow customers to solve problems themselves, reducing strain on customer support teams. 

    Chatbot benefits for teams

    • They lighten the load by answering repetitive customer questions

    • Use chatbots as the first line of support to get details about the customer and the issue.

    • Qualify and route leads to the right agents for higher-value conversations.

    • Provide 24/7 self-service without needing human staff.

    Chatbot benefits for customers:

    • Get quicker answers without waiting for an agent to respond. 

    • Easy access to information and advice after business hours.

    • Easily go from interacting with a chatbot to speaking with a live agent. 

    Quick resolution and reassurance with auto-replies

    When a customer messages you, auto-replies can be used to reassure the customer that you’ve received their message and are on it. You can also empower customers to help themselves by pointing them in the right direction while they wait for a response.

    Auto-reply benefits for teams

    • Give agents enough time to assess the situation.

    • Free up teams to prioritise and focus on important tasks.

    • Maintain consistency with unified message templates.

    Auto-reply benefits for customers

    • Get instant responses to their inquiries, 24/7. No need to wait for business hours to get help.

    • Receive immediate acknowledgement that their message has been received and is being addressed. 

    Convert leads with WhatsApp broadcasts

    After gathering leads and information via web chat, businesses can use WhatsApp broadcast messages to share updates, promotions, and campaigns with their audience. Businesses have seen an increase in response rates by up to 7x and a 65% call-to-action conversion rate increase since using WhatsApp broadcasts.

    WhatsApp broadcast benefits for teams:

    • Drive repeat traffic and purchases through promotions.

    • Share educational and promotional content to nurture leads that haven’t converted yet.

    • Save time by easily automating and scheduling broadcasts.

    WhatsApp broadcast benefits for customers

    • Get exclusive access to limited-time offers and promotions directly on your phone.

    • Receive regular messages with helpful information and tips.

    • Never miss out on exciting new product announcements or service updates.

    Turn website visitors into customers with web chat

    Cue’s web chat turns your website into a lead generation, revenue engine, and customer service powerhouse. Easily communicate with customers, solve queries and convert leads on your website or through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Get in touch with Cue for a demo!

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    WhatsApp for Business solution by Cue