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WhatsApp for logistics

Getting started with WhatsApp Business for logistics

Getting started with WhatsApp Business for logistics

27 Nov 2023


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    69% of customers have stopped doing business with a brand because of a negative customer service experience. In the world of logistics, delivering goods fast and efficiently is critical to customer satisfaction. WhatsApp Business is the perfect solution to make this happen. Let’s explore how WhatsApp Business can improve logistics operations.

    5 Ways logistics businesses can use WhatsApp Business

    WhatsApp Business provides a few benefits for logistics operations. The biggest benefit is that it allows instant communication between the customer, the courier, and anyone else involved in the delivery. This real-time communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing delays and improving overall efficiency. Let’s explore more benefits below.

    1. Chatbots: Automation for efficient customer service

    One of the key challenges in logistics is handling customer queries and tracking shipments. Chatbots help by providing instant responses to frequently asked questions. They can also provide shipment tracking information. This improves the customer experience by reducing the load on your customer support team.

    2. Web widgets: Simplify customer support 

    Logistics companies can embed WhatsApp on their websites using web widgets. This allows customers to easily start a WhatsApp conversation with customer support from your website. This direct connection can lead to faster query resolutions and improved customer satisfaction.

    3. WhatsApp message templates: Consistent communication

    For logistics, communicating order confirmations, shipment details, and delivery notifications is routine. WhatsApp message templates allow logistics companies to send consistent, standardised updates, ensuring consistent and accurate communication. This guarantees that customers are always well-informed.

    4. Broadcast messages: Mass notifications made easy

    Broadcast messages are perfect for notifying customers about delivery delays, promotions, or service updates. Instead of contacting customers individually, logistics companies can reach out to all their customers at once. This feature can be especially useful during busy times.

    5. Live chat: Real-time problem solving

    Logistics sometimes involves unexpected challenges like delays. Live chat allows instant communication between customers and your support team. Addressing issues in real-time ensures problems are resolved promptly, leading to more satisfied customers. 

    Deliver better customer service with WhatsApp

    Let’s explore a hypothetical scenario of how logistics businesses can use WhatsApp to streamline processes. Meet Sarah, a logistics manager at Swift Shipping, an established logistics company. She's eager to leverage WhatsApp Business to streamline Swift’s operations and improve the customer experience. Here's how WhatsApp helps her achieve this:

    Handle customer queries quickly with Live chat

    Sarah's typical day starts with checking her WhatsApp Business messages. As she logs in, she immediately spots a chat request from one of their long-term clients, XYZ Electronics. The client needs to confirm the delivery schedule for a shipment.

    Sarah opens the chat and, in real-time, communicates with the client. Using live chat, she quickly provides the details and even shares the real-time tracking link, ensuring the client knows exactly when to expect their shipment. 

    Send instant quotes using Web widgets

    Later in the day, Sarah dives into her Cue dashboard to manage incoming requests. She notices a new message from a potential customer who landed on Swift Shipping's website. The customer, Mark, wants to get a quote for shipping some equipment. Sarah and Mark can continue their conversation using the web widget without Mark having to leave the Swift website. 

    Update customers at scale with Broadcasts

    Throughout the course of the day, a particular area’s weather changes and causes roadblocks and thus delays in shipments. Using broadcasts, Sarah is able to inform all their customers at once that there is an unexpected delay in their shipments.

    Deliver better logistics customer service with WhatsApp Business

    Many businesses find it useful to work with a trusted solution provider to ensure there are no complications involved. Cue makes it easy to get started with WhatsApp. Once your profile is set up, you can start marketing your WhatsApp account and inviting customers and stakeholders to connect with your business on WhatsApp. Get in touch with Cue for a demo today.

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